Ten Things the NCCW Service Commission Can Do For Families
Karen Painter NCCW Service Commission 2013 – 2015
1. Become an Individual Member of NCCW, by doing so, you will receive the quarterly Catholic Woman magazine, the monthly NCCW connect, as well as receiving the current news, legislative alerts, and information from your NCCW National office.
2. Contact A/DCCW Family Life Office, Pro-Life Office, Catholic Charities, and Diocesan Women’s Commission. Ask to be placed on their mailing list, share information and collaborate on projects.
3. Contact your state Catholic Conference as well as Pro-Life and Right-to-Life organizations on the diocesan and local levels. Place your name on their mailing lists and receive legislative updates.
4. Read and subscribe to Catholic family publications – e.g., Catholic Digest, Marriage, Parenting. Ideas for programs, articles and workshops can come from these.
5. Communicate regularly with parish, deanery, and arch/diocesan chairman, not just at meetings. Make certain that information flows through all rings of council. Use newsletters, email blasts, local parish bulletins, diocesan newspapers or magazines, (always ask permission from your local priests and or bishop before publishing any information, and correctly identify where your information comes from.).
6. Utilize NCCW,www.nccw.org/ and USCCB, www.usccb.org/, websites to keep current on family issues.
7. Be knowledgeable about NCCW programs, particularly those that are family-oriented, and share them with your organization. Adapt them to your local needs. Utilize the NCCW Service Commission, Family Concerns Resources and Links Information page. Ask questions of and request information from your NCCW Commission Chairs.
8. Monitor the media, Participate in the WRAP (White Ribbon Against Pornography) Campaign sponsored by Morality in Media in the fall. www.moralityinmedia Find ways to help parents monitor home computers, cell phones, iPads, iPods, Facebook, Twitter.
9. Stay current on issues facing families today such as Domestic Violence, Pornography, Human Trafficking, Marriage and Family, Abortion, Respite, etc.
10. Pray for all families and the strengthening of family values.
Karen Painter NCCW Service Commission 2013 – 2015
1. Become an Individual Member of NCCW, by doing so, you will receive the quarterly Catholic Woman magazine, the monthly NCCW connect, as well as receiving the current news, legislative alerts, and information from your NCCW National office.
2. Contact A/DCCW Family Life Office, Pro-Life Office, Catholic Charities, and Diocesan Women’s Commission. Ask to be placed on their mailing list, share information and collaborate on projects.
3. Contact your state Catholic Conference as well as Pro-Life and Right-to-Life organizations on the diocesan and local levels. Place your name on their mailing lists and receive legislative updates.
4. Read and subscribe to Catholic family publications – e.g., Catholic Digest, Marriage, Parenting. Ideas for programs, articles and workshops can come from these.
5. Communicate regularly with parish, deanery, and arch/diocesan chairman, not just at meetings. Make certain that information flows through all rings of council. Use newsletters, email blasts, local parish bulletins, diocesan newspapers or magazines, (always ask permission from your local priests and or bishop before publishing any information, and correctly identify where your information comes from.).
6. Utilize NCCW,www.nccw.org/ and USCCB, www.usccb.org/, websites to keep current on family issues.
7. Be knowledgeable about NCCW programs, particularly those that are family-oriented, and share them with your organization. Adapt them to your local needs. Utilize the NCCW Service Commission, Family Concerns Resources and Links Information page. Ask questions of and request information from your NCCW Commission Chairs.
8. Monitor the media, Participate in the WRAP (White Ribbon Against Pornography) Campaign sponsored by Morality in Media in the fall. www.moralityinmedia Find ways to help parents monitor home computers, cell phones, iPads, iPods, Facebook, Twitter.
9. Stay current on issues facing families today such as Domestic Violence, Pornography, Human Trafficking, Marriage and Family, Abortion, Respite, etc.
10. Pray for all families and the strengthening of family values.