Ten Things The International Concerns Commission Chair Can Do
Nancy Poll, NCCW Service Commission Chair 2014
1. Plan an International Dinner. Have table hostesses decorate each table for a different country. Offer a coffee and chocolate sale with products from Catholic Relief Services (CRS). For catalogs and information contact, SERVV’s Sales and Marketing www.serrv.org/category/about-us or call 888-243-4423
2. Offer a day of fasting and prayer for migrants and refugees on a regular basis. For information on cultural diversity in the Catholic Church visit www.usccb.org.
3. Request groups within your community to speak about their culture and experiences in the US to share their heritage. Encourage them to participate in a CCW-sponsored arts and crafts festival. (Susan Harting 2005-07)
4. Invite speakers from Cross Catholic Outreach;crosscatholic.org/ or CRS;www.crs.org/ to speak to your group or convention. www.CrossCatholic.org; www.crs.org.
5.Use the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops http://usccb.org/ copy of Together On The Journey, The Migrant’s Way of the Cross.
6. Inform and promote support in NCCW Partnership Projects with CRS https://www.crs.org/ and Cross Catholic Outreach crosscatholic.org/. (CRS - Madonna Plan, Water for Life, Help a Child and Refugee Women Emergency Fund) (Cross Catholic Outreach - Marie Louise Bayle Center, St. Jean Evengeliste Home and St. Joseph Nutrition Center)
7. Support Fair Trade - Ask your local merchants to make Fair Trade products available and promote the use of Fair Trade products in your parish. For more information check SERRV www.serrv.org/category/about-us or call SERVV’s Sales and Marketing 888-2434423.
8. Educate against global poverty, the plight of farmers, hunger in the US and the world. Provide pamphlets/handouts that address action steps.
9. Mercy is a virtue arousing one’s resolve to have compassion for, and alleviate another’s misfortune. Practice performing the Corporal Works of Mercy in CCW programs and projects.
10.Volunteer to drive, tutor or befriend a newcomer to our land. Contact the Refugee Resettlement in your diocese.
Nancy Poll, NCCW Service Commission Chair 2014
1. Plan an International Dinner. Have table hostesses decorate each table for a different country. Offer a coffee and chocolate sale with products from Catholic Relief Services (CRS). For catalogs and information contact, SERVV’s Sales and Marketing www.serrv.org/category/about-us or call 888-243-4423
2. Offer a day of fasting and prayer for migrants and refugees on a regular basis. For information on cultural diversity in the Catholic Church visit www.usccb.org.
3. Request groups within your community to speak about their culture and experiences in the US to share their heritage. Encourage them to participate in a CCW-sponsored arts and crafts festival. (Susan Harting 2005-07)
4. Invite speakers from Cross Catholic Outreach;crosscatholic.org/ or CRS;www.crs.org/ to speak to your group or convention. www.CrossCatholic.org; www.crs.org.
5.Use the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops http://usccb.org/ copy of Together On The Journey, The Migrant’s Way of the Cross.
6. Inform and promote support in NCCW Partnership Projects with CRS https://www.crs.org/ and Cross Catholic Outreach crosscatholic.org/. (CRS - Madonna Plan, Water for Life, Help a Child and Refugee Women Emergency Fund) (Cross Catholic Outreach - Marie Louise Bayle Center, St. Jean Evengeliste Home and St. Joseph Nutrition Center)
7. Support Fair Trade - Ask your local merchants to make Fair Trade products available and promote the use of Fair Trade products in your parish. For more information check SERRV www.serrv.org/category/about-us or call SERVV’s Sales and Marketing 888-2434423.
8. Educate against global poverty, the plight of farmers, hunger in the US and the world. Provide pamphlets/handouts that address action steps.
9. Mercy is a virtue arousing one’s resolve to have compassion for, and alleviate another’s misfortune. Practice performing the Corporal Works of Mercy in CCW programs and projects.
10.Volunteer to drive, tutor or befriend a newcomer to our land. Contact the Refugee Resettlement in your diocese.