What Records/Material to Retain...What to Thin Out
Congratulations! You have completed your term of office, and you have several boxes and files of material. Does that sound familiar? The new president is eagerly waiting to receive pertinent, up-to-date records and material. Plan to greet her with a well-organized system. What should you keep? What should you thin out?
Minutes – Must be kept permanently in a separate binder.
By-Laws – Must be kept separately in a binder and reviewed every other year.
Leadership Training Material – Keep, as this is ongoing.
Manuals, Resource Books, DVDs/VCR tapes, CDs/Tapes – If purchased by the organization, must be kept and passed on unless the material is outdated. NOTE: Some venues might no longer have equipment to support older formats, such as VCRs and cassette tapes.
Reports – Encourage commissioners and committee persons to keep reports in a notebook that can be passed on to the successor. Keep two years. Directories – Keep two years. (Past directories should be kept in the archives {but not “carried” by the President} as they provide important information of Council history.)
NCCW Connect – Keep during your term of office, then toss, as this is dated material.
REMEMBER: Keep the Mission Statement as a focal point of work, as it shows what our organization is about! Keep Prayer – always! Prayer is the binding force of our organization.
Gift the new president with a well-organized system of current records and guidelines. Present her with this binder of information! Pass on your enthusiasm! It is contagious and up-to-date.
Evelyn Lompa – Superior Diocesan Council of Catholic Women
NCCW Supporting Member & NCCW Associates Board Member
Past Director of Province of Milwaukee & NCCW Organization Commission Chair
NOTE: It was suggested that the Mission Staement be read at the beginning of each meeting-after parayers and the Pledge of Alligiance.
What Records/Material to Retain...What to Thin Out
Congratulations! You have completed your term of office, and you have several boxes and files of material. Does that sound familiar? The new president is eagerly waiting to receive pertinent, up-to-date records and material. Plan to greet her with a well-organized system. What should you keep? What should you thin out?
Minutes – Must be kept permanently in a separate binder.
By-Laws – Must be kept separately in a binder and reviewed every other year.
Leadership Training Material – Keep, as this is ongoing.
Manuals, Resource Books, DVDs/VCR tapes, CDs/Tapes – If purchased by the organization, must be kept and passed on unless the material is outdated. NOTE: Some venues might no longer have equipment to support older formats, such as VCRs and cassette tapes.
Reports – Encourage commissioners and committee persons to keep reports in a notebook that can be passed on to the successor. Keep two years. Directories – Keep two years. (Past directories should be kept in the archives {but not “carried” by the President} as they provide important information of Council history.)
NCCW Connect – Keep during your term of office, then toss, as this is dated material.
REMEMBER: Keep the Mission Statement as a focal point of work, as it shows what our organization is about! Keep Prayer – always! Prayer is the binding force of our organization.
Gift the new president with a well-organized system of current records and guidelines. Present her with this binder of information! Pass on your enthusiasm! It is contagious and up-to-date.
Evelyn Lompa – Superior Diocesan Council of Catholic Women
NCCW Supporting Member & NCCW Associates Board Member
Past Director of Province of Milwaukee & NCCW Organization Commission Chair
NOTE: It was suggested that the Mission Staement be read at the beginning of each meeting-after parayers and the Pledge of Alligiance.